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Four Free Resources for CEOs & Entrepreneurs

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Over 90% of companies fail to raise money from outside investors. This eBook explains why and how to be far more successful raising capital. 


Over 85% of startups fail. New research shows why and examines the top 20 reasons Entrepreneurs failed.  So you don't have to. 




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Learn the 11 required elements of a successful vision and how to turn that into a killer business model design that drives success.  This is the work needed long before you build a product (ideally) and if not soon afterwards. 


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The path to building a successful company is long and arduous. Always a marathon, not a sprint. This course reviews the tasks and skills needed to build a significant company with high growth potential. From a Serial Entrepeneur's actual experience building billion dollar enterprises from startup. 


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Valuable Tools You Need To Build Any Business


From a Serial Entrepreneur who grew two startups to over $100 million in sales, raised over $40 million in early-stage capital and returned over $1 billion to investors. 


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